Cash Receipts
TimeSolv’s New Cash Receipts Report gives users an aggregated view of the list of credits and payments grouped by Client, Matter, Category, and Responsible Timekeepers.
To access the Report, from the main menu, select Reports>Standard Reports>Invoices, Payments and Trusts>Cash Receipts. The toggle button should be turned on in the last column; otherwise, the link will open the standard report.
To generate the Report, select the appropriate parameters:
– Client: Select the ‘All’ option or choose from the list of available Clients.
– Category: This is the ‘Matter Category’ associated with the Timekeepers. To pull data based on categories, select a category or multiple categories or select the ‘All’ option. The report displays the data by Client or by Matter, depending on the Client/Matter selection.
– Sub-Category: If Sub-Categories have been created for the main Category, select from the list. The report displays the data by Client or by Matter, depending on the Client/Matter selection.
– Billing Category: Billing Categories, set up under Client & Matters, will show up here, and the data on the report can be displayed by Client or by Matter, using the Client/Matter selector for this filter.
– Responsible Timekeeper: The Responsible Timekeeper field is helpful for Timekeeper Commissions. If an Originating Timekeeper is assigned to a Matter, commissions can be distributed based on the commission percentage set up against the Originator. Enabling the “Include Inactive” checkbox includes inactive Responsible Timekeepers.
– Include Payments: Enable to include Payments received.
– Include Transfers from Trust: Enable to include the Transfers between Trust Accounts.
– Include Credit Memos: Enable to include Credit Memos also.
– Group By: The data can be grouped on the basis of the following groupings:
– Client & Matter
– Category & Client & Matter
– Responsible Timekeeper & Client & Matter
– Date Range: Allows the user to view the Report based on the selected data range.
– From Date/ To Date: Using the Calendar, select ‘From’ and ‘To’ to include the date range for the Report.
The template within the Calendar allows users to set the desired date as the Default date. For example, for the ‘From’ date, you can set the Report to start from the ‘First day of the 1st quarter of this year.’ With this selection set as default, the Report’s start date will be 01/01/(year) each time the Report is run.
A default ‘To’ date can be set up in a similar way.
Sample Report with default values: