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TimeSolv Version 20240909 Feature Updates & Bug Fixes

Release Date: September 09, 2024

  1. Enhancement – Simplified Registration Process for TimeSolv: Now a Single Step
    The registration process has been streamlined into a single step, merging all required fields such as Firm Name, Phone Number, and Profession into one form for a quicker, easier user experience. 
  2. Enhancement – New Custom Invoices Report Updated
    A new custom report is now available in TimeSolv, allowing users to generate detailed invoice information for a selected period. The report includes fields such as Client Name, custom fields for Company and Business Units, Invoice Date, Timekeeper, Task Code, Hours, Rate, and Amount Billed, with additional blank columns for future use. Filters are provided for Time Entry Date Range, Client-Matter, Transaction ID, and Timekeeper.Recent enhancements include updated field labels, with ‘Header Business Unit’ renamed to ‘Header BU’ and ‘Object Business Unit’ renamed to ‘Object BU.’ Additionally, the PDF export has been made scrollable and non-printable, reflecting the same field layout as the Excel version of the report. These updates aim to improve clarity and usability for users reviewing invoice details.
  3. Enhancement – Sorting Issues Resolved in both, New Time and Expense Entries Reports
    Sorting functionality has been fixed in both; the Time Entries and Expense Entries reports. All columns in these reports now sort accurately, ensuring correct data organization. 
  4. Enhancement – Updated Label Visibility in Dashboard Charts
    The issue, reported by QA, where labels in bar charts on the Staff, Financial, and Time/Expense Analytics dashboards were not displaying correctly has been resolved. Previously, labels were either not visible or incorrectly placed inside the bars. The labels now appear as intended, similar to the Client Dashboard. This has been fixed to ensure consistent and clear label visibility across all relevant dashboards. 
  5. Bug – 524 Error Resolved for TimeSync Application 
    The 524 error that users experienced when signing into the TimeSync app has been fixed. Users should now be able to access the application without encountering errors. 
  6. Bug – Clients and Matters Report Data Generation Issue Resolved
    The issue reported by a single client, where the ‘Clients and Matters’ report failed to generate data when filtering by Client Categories and Responsible Professional, has been fixed. The report now correctly displays data based on the selected filters, including categories and professionals. 
  7. Bug – Scrollbar Functionality Issue in New Reports Resolved
    This was reported internally by QA team where in the new reports interface, users experienced issues with the horizontal and vertical scrollbars not functioning properly or being completely invisible, particularly in multi-select pop-up screens. This affected the ability to navigate and view content in reports like “Professional Profitability,” “Firm Performance,” and “Realization Per Invoice.” The issue has been resolved by updating the system, ensuring that both scrollbars now work as designed and are visible in all relevant screens and reports. 
  8. Bug – Date Range Added to new ‘Time and Expense Entry’ Report Footer
    The missing date range, which was internally reported by QA, has been added to the footer of the Time and Expense Entry Report. The report layout has been updated to include this information, ensuring a complete and accurate display. 
  9. Bug – Updated Terminology for Internal Notes in New Time Entry Report
    The label for internal notes in the Time Entry report has been updated to reflect new terminology, such as “External Note.” The report now displays the updated label correctly and adjusts the checkbox text accordingly. Internal notes are shown with a character limit of 44, and any excess text is truncated with an ellipsis (…) for clarity. 
  10. Bug – “Please Wait” Pop-Up Alignment on Draft Invoice Screen
    The issue where the “Please Wait” pop-up was misaligned on the Draft Invoice creation screen has been resolved. The pop-up now appears center-aligned with the “Create Draft Invoice” dialog, improving user experience. 
  11. Bug – Security Improvement made to the New Reports
    A security improvement was made to improve the data privacy in the New Reports. This update ensures that report data is properly displayed as per the defined permissions.

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