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Managing TimeSolv Sync Phone App

  1. Download and Install the App for Android Phones
  2. Download and Install the App for iPhone (iOS Devices)
  3. Create Time Entry from TimeSolv Sync Phone App
  4. Create Expense Entry from TimeSolv Sync Phone App
  5. Keyboard Shortcuts
  6. Sync Time & Expense Entries in TimeSolv Sync Phone App
  7. Timer Stops When the Phone Goes to Sleep

Download and Install the App for Android Phones

To download and install the TimeSolv sync app onto Android devices:

Go to Google Play on your phone and search for TimeSolv.

Click on the Install button.

The TimeSolv app will now have downloaded onto your device and you should be able to locate it on your screen.

After opening the TimeSolv app, enter in your TimeSolv login credentials and click on Sync to get the latest Clients/Matters and settings.

Download and Install the App for iPhone (iOS Devices)

To download and install the TimeSolv sync app onto iOS devices:

Click on the App Store icon on your iPhone.

Click on Search from the bottom menu strip.

Type in ‘TimeSolv‘ in the search bar.

The TimeSolv app should come up in the search result. Click on GET.

Click on the Install button.

Type in your Apple account password in the relevant field, and hit the Sign In button.

The TimeSolv app will now have downloaded onto your device. Locate the app from your home screen app options.

After opening the TimeSolv app, enter in your TimeSolv login credentials and click on Sync.

Create Time Entry from TimeSolv Sync Phone App

To create time entries from your phone:

Click on the TimeSolv app from the home screen of your device.

Fill in your TimeSolv user login credentials and click on Sync.

Click the plus sign in the right corner to create a new Time Entry.

Stopwatch – will start a running timer. Click on the spinning clock to stop the timer. Time elapsed will be shown to the left of the clock icon, and the duration field will be shown to the right of the icon (which can be edited by clicking on the box and manually stating how many minutes/hours worked).

Date – will default to the current day, but you can change this by clicking on the Date field. A calendar will appear for you to select your preferred date for this Time Entry.

Client – specify which Client to create time for.

Recent – you will only see the most recent clients that you have entered time for (this list includes Time Entries made on TimeSolv browser app). Click on the desired Client name.

All – view your entire list of Clients. Scroll through the list and select the desired Client.

Matter – select the relevant Matter for this Time Entry.

Plan Task – if the selected Matter has a Plan Task set up for it, you will see a Plan Task field appear. Click on the field to specify the Task to assign to this Time Entry. You will also be given the option to mark a Task as Completed by enabling the checkbox.

Task Code – assign a Task Code to the entry if needed. The details of the Task Code will prefill into the Description field.

Billable Type – if you have access to change the Billable Type, click on the Billable field

Billable – amount will be included in the invoice.

Non billable – amount will not be included or appear on the invoice.

No Charge – will show on an invoice, but with a zero dollar amount (it will appear as ‘no charge’ written next to the time entry).

Rate or Fixed Fee – depending on your permissions as a firm user, specify the Rate or a Fixed Fee amount for this Time Entry.

Description – if you selected a Task Code, it will be auto-filled into the Description box, but you can edit this field as needed.

Please do not use double quotes in descriptions if you plan to use CSV versions of files for reports, as this disrupts the descriptions to be spread across fields.

Document Icon – To view a list of your abbreviations, click on the document icon.

Sync Icon – to translate the Abbreviations into their full phrases.

When you click on Save, you will see a notification to let you know the Time Entry was added successfully.

See the article below on how to sync the entries.

Create Expense Entry from TimeSolv Sync Phone App

To create expense entries from your phone:

Click on the TimeSolv app from the home screen of your device.

Fill in your TimeSolv user login credentials and click on Sync.

By default, you will be logged into the Time Entry page. Click the 3 lines in the upper left corner and select Expense.

Date – will default to the current day, but you can change this by clicking on the Date field. A calendar will appear for you to select your preferred date for this Expense Entry.

Client – specify Client to create an Expense Entry for.

Recent – you will only see the most recent clients that you have entered expense for (this list includes Expense Entries made on TimeSolv browser app). Click on the desired Client name.

All – view your entire list of Clients. Scroll through the list and select the desired Client.

Matter – select the relevant Matter for this Expense Entry.

Plan Task – if the selected Matter has a Plan Task set up for it, you will see a Plan Task field appear. Click on the field to specify the Task to assign to this Expense Entry. You will also be given the option to mark a Task as Completed by enabling the checkbox.

Expense Code – assign an Expense Code to the entry if needed. The details of the Expense Code will prefill into the Description field.

Billable Type – if you have access to change the Billable Type, click on the Billable field

Billable – amount will be included in the invoice.

Non billable – amount will not be included or appear on the invoice.

No Charge – will show on an invoice, but with a zero dollar amount (it will appear as ‘no charge’ written next to the time entry).


Markup percentage

Fixed Amount

Description field – if you selected an Expense Code, the name of the code will have automatically prefilled into the description box, but you can edit this.

Please do not use double quotes in descriptions if you plan to use CSV versions of files for reports, as this disrupts the descriptions to be spread across fields.

Document Icon – To view a list of your abbreviations, click on the document icon.

Sync Icon – to translate the Abbreviations into their full phrases.

Attach Receipt – add an image of an expense receipt. It will ask you to “Allow TimeSolv Mobile to access photos, media, and files on your device” which you must allow to use this feature.

Click Camera if you wish to take a picture of a receipt and follow the prompts.

Client Documents if you already have the receipt stored on your phone and follow the prompts.

When you click on Save, you will see a notification to let you know the Expense Entry was added successfully.

See the article below on how to sync the entries.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts not only increase productivity but also saves your time. Shortcuts make your work more efficient in certain tasks, and when you get into the habit of making use of them you’ll notice a boost in your productivity. It’s less effort, and time-saving! Knowing the right shortcuts is important so you can easily navigate your way of using the correct combination of keys.

Keyboard shortcuts in the TimeSync app are available to help our users create Time and Expense entries quicker. When you first log in to the TimeSync app, click on the three bars on the top left of the screen. Here you’ll see an option appear at the bottom of the screen to view keyboard shortcuts:

Click on that button to reveal a list of available keyboard shortcuts:

Sync Time & Expense Entries in TimeSolv Sync Phone App

Once you have tracked your Time and Expenses with our phone app, you can sync them with your web database.

Click on the three bars menu icon, and then click on Sync.

The app will start syncing, and a message will appear confirming entries have been synced.

Timer Stops When the Phone Goes to Sleep

If you are facing issues with your timer stopping on our TimeSolv Sync Phone App, please refer to your phone platform type below for instructions on how to resolve this:


Click on the Settings icon from your home screen. Scroll and find ‘Device Maintenance‘. Click on ‘Battery‘. Click on the three-dot menu at the top right, and click on ‘Advance Settings‘. Click on ‘App Power Monitor‘. Turn off the automatic sleep feature from this screen.


If you are using an iPhone and the timer stops when your phone sleeps, you will have to temporarily disable auto-lock for the device itself rather than the app. To do this, click on Settings icon from your home screen. Click on Display & Brightness. Tap on the Auto-Lock option and select ‘Never‘. Come back into this screen page to change this setting back to a specified number of minutes if you wish to turn Auto-Lock back on.

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