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Expense Entries Report

TimeSolv’s Interactive Reports feature gives users an aggregated view of the Expense Entries. This report can be generated using a host of filters to track Expenses based on Invoice Creation, Invoiced date, Paid date, Approval Status, etc.

To access the Expense Entries Report, select Reports>Standard Reports>Time and Expense>Expense Entries. The toggle button should be turned on in the last column; otherwise, the link will open the standard report.

To get the desired results, select from the following parameters

– Timekeeper: From the pop-up dialog, select the ‘All’ option or choose from the list of available Timekeepers.

– Professional Group: To pull reporting data classified into various Timekeeper Groups, select the Timekeeper Group. The Group field is only displayed if at least one Group has been created.

– Matter-Client: select the ‘All’ option or choose from the list of available Client-Matters.

– Professional Sub-Group: If Sub-Groups have been set up to classify the Timekeeper Groups further, these Sub-Groups will be listed here for selection. The Sub-Group field is only displayed if at least one Sub-Group has been created.

– Responsible Timekeeper: Responsible Timekeeper field is helpful for Timekeeper Commissions. If an Originating Timekeeper is assigned to a Matter, commissions can be distributed based on the commission percentage set up against the Originator.

– Group By: The data can be grouped on the basis of the following groupings:

– Client & Matter

– Professional Group & Client & Matter

– Professional Sub-group & Client & Matter

– Responsible Timekeeper & Client & Matter

– Timekeeper & Client & Matter

– Billable Type: Select the ‘All’ option or select Billable, Non-Billable, or No Charge to generate the Report for these Billable Type Expense Entries.

– Status: To pull data based upon an Expense Entry’s status, keep the default ‘All’ selected or select the required status types from the list.

– Expense Code: Clicking on the ‘Expense Code’ field opens a dialog box where users can generate the report on the selected Expense Codes.

– Category: This is the ‘Matter Category’ associated with the Timekeepers. To pull data based on categories, select a category or multiple categories or select the ‘All’ option.

– View:

– When editing Time Entries on the Draft Invoices, there is a checkbox to ‘Update original Time Entry as well.’ If this checkbox is left unchecked, selecting ‘Original Values’ from the ‘View’ dropdown will bring up the original hours on the report even if the hours in the Time Entry have been edited.

– Selecting ‘Current Values’ from the View Option’s dropdown will bring up the edited (current) hours.

– On the ‘Edit Time Entry’ dialog, if the ‘Update original Time Entry as well’ checkbox is checked, the original time is overridden with the new time. In this case, selecting either ‘Original Values’ or ‘Current Values’ from the dropdown will show the edited value on the report.

– Approval Status: If an Approval System is set up at the Timekeeper level, you can select the status type to be included in the Report. Select the Pending, Rejected, and/or Approved statuses from the pop-up dialog. By default, ‘All’ is selected.

– Vendor Paid: Selecting Yes or No from the dropdown filters the report to list Expense Entries that have been marked as Vendor Paid from the Expense Entry creation screen.

– Expense Category: If Expense Categories have been created, they will appear for selection in the popup dialog.

– Show Internal Notes: If checked, the checkbox allows Internal Notes to be displayed on the Invoice PDF. The CSV or the Excel version of the report does not show the Internal Notes.

– Date Range: The user can view Expense Entry’s Report based on the Invoice creation, Invoiced, or Paid date.

– From Date/ To Date: Using the Calendar, select ‘From Date’ and ‘To Date’ to include the date range for the Report. By default, the ‘From Date’ field displays the first day of the month on which the Report is generated. The ‘To Date’ shows the current date by default.

The template within the Calendar allows users to set the desired date as the Default date. For example, for the ‘From’ date, you can set the Report to start from the ‘First day of the 1st quarter of this year.’ With this selection set as default, the Report’s start date will be 01/01/(year) each time the Report is run.

A default ‘To’ date can be set up in a similar way.


Sample Report with default values:


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